This Friday, 29 Oct., I have presented my recent research on Parameter Estimation with Enhanced Performance and obtained the Habilitation à diriger des recherches degree!

Building Modeling project – accomplished!

We have just finished a project on building modeling with my students from sentraleSupelec, campus Rennes.

The RC model describes the temperature dynamics in two rooms in the CentraleSupelec’s building at Rennes; it incorporates historical weather data and model occupants’ presence. The model is open-access and can be used as a testbed for temperature regulation problems. The project description is available here, and the model is available at GitLab here.

Switched Observer For a Class of Locally Unobservable Time-Varying Systems

Our recent paper “Switched Observer Design For a Class of Locally Unobservable Time-Varying Systems” has been accepted to Automatica!

As for some recent papers, this research is motivated by a robotics application where the measurements are biased. We show that such a bias in the studied nonlinear systems compromised the system’s observability for some values of input signals. We formulate the problem as observer design for a time-varying locally unobservable system and propose a solution in the class of switched observers. The design is performed via LMIs, and the design is implemented in an experiment.

Stabilization by delay under uncertainties

Our recent paper on “Robust adaptive stabilization by delay under state parametric uncertainty and measurement bias” has been accepted for publication in TAC!

This research is motivated by a nonlinear pendulum control problem. We consider a class of nonlinear systems with biased measurements, unknown parameters, and external disturbances. We avoid a dynamic state reconstruction (synthesis of an observer) using delayed values of the output in the feedback and adaptation laws. The efficacy of the developed control is demonstrated on this application through simulations and experiments.

What is Control Science about?

Each time when someone asks me what is the “control science” about, I share the link to this great award-winning short but informative clip. You should watch this fantastic video!

A recent TAC paper on DREM

Our recent TAC paper on the DREM procedure is now available online: http://doi.org/10.1109/TAC.2020.3003651.

We consider a unified treatment of the CT and DT cases, dynamic extension schemes, and finite-time estimators. I hope you like it!

A screencast record for IFAC WC 2020

The World Congress 2020 is virtual, thus screencasts are recorded and uploaded. Here is mine: State estimation for a locally unobservable parameter-varying system: one gradient-based and one switched solutions.

Media appearances of the Smart Buildings project

My research project on Learning-based Control for Smart Buildings is supported by Rennes Metropole (Allocations d’installation scientifique 2019), and recently ICI Rennes has published a video on it. In two minutes I answer questions concerning the project. In French! It looks and sounds great!

Moreover, Destination Rennes published an article on my installation in CentraleSupélec. Thanks to Rennes Metropole, I really appreciate their support!

My installation in Rennes and CentraleSupélec.
What is the Smart Building project about?

IFAC WC 2020 results

Good news! My submissions State estimation for a locally unobservable parameter-varying system: one gradient-based and one switched solutions, Adaptive Stabilization by Delay with Biased Measurements, and Stator flux and load torque observers for PMSM are accepted for IFAC WC 2020!

Thanks a lot to my coauthors! Hope to see you in Berlin!